Results-driven UX writing
for DBS digiPortfolio
Why shouldn't investing be as fun and easy as online shopping?
To bridge the gap between their high-end DBS Vickers brokerage and the cheaper but limited regular savings plan, DBS created digiPortfolio for investors.
About 6 months before the launch, I was hired to refine the product offering through UX writing. Working with a product manager, UX designer, marketing associate, compliance officers, and engineers, the challenge was to converse with customers in a way that is straightforward, human and still legally compliant.
With my experience in advertising, I proposed the marketing tagline for the product:
Invest. Sleep. Repeat.
This was well-received by all the stakeholders and was used for marketing the product.
Within 3 days of its launch, 157 portfolios were opened by 97 customers, amounting to a total market value of around S$2 million.